Friday, March 5, 2010

every storm will end..

i'm a Bo Sanchez fanatic... and here's one of the many reasons why...

Every Storm Will End - Bo Sanchez

Did you suffer a loss recently? A job? A relationship? Material things stolen from you? Many of my friends lost many things in the recent flood. My friends lost homes. My friends lost businesses. With tears, my auntie said, “Bo, I lost all the material things I’ve collected over the past 50 years of my life!” Some friends told me that what was most painful was loosing all their photographs—the memories of a lifetime. Friend, I’ve got a message for you today: Believe that every storm will end. And after the storm, a new morning begins. Remember that every loss is temporary. If you lost a loved one, that loss is temporary. In heaven, you’ll see your beloved again and your reunion will last forever. If you lost photographs, believe that in heaven, God will give back to you DVD copies of all the sweetest memories you’ve had in your life. (I’m not sure what video version they use up there, but I’m sure it’ll be the most modern. Perhaps it’ll be a virtual reality video!) If you lost material things or opportunities or relationships, believe that God is creating room for something better to come your way. How will this “better” happen? Start being grateful. That’s not a typo. In the midst of your loss, be thankful. I know you’ll complain, “Bo, there’s nothing to be thankful for! I lost half my life!” Well, be thankful for the other half that you still have. Don’t focus on what you lost, focus on what you still have. You’ve got too many good things happening to you to be down! Say this with me, “I’m too blessed to be stressed.” (Not original from me. Got it from a bumper sticker.) Why be grateful? Because you attract what you focus on. I’ve said that before so many times, but I’ll keep saying it until God calls me home. Because it’s so powerful. When you become grateful, you attract more of what you’re grateful for. Gratitude is a blessings magnet.

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